Homemade Dog Food

Homemade Dog Food

Making homemade dog food can be a cheaper option than feeding store-bought dog food. We tend to feed a rotation of store bought and homemade dog food throughout the week to keep our Malshi dog interested in her meals. Buying meat in bulk and then creating multiple meals that can be stored in a freezer also makes homemade dog food a convenient fallback option. 

For our Malshi, Homemade dog food is a great way to feed chicken which she absolutely loves to eat. Feeding our Malshi Chicken would normally upset her stomach but we mix cooked eggy rice into the meal and this helps keep her regular.   


Easy Homemade Dog Food Recipe

WookiDog is a very fussy eater and she loves this dog food recipe. We only feed her this mix every other meal, she also eats chicken and dry dog food.

Once this pre-made meal has been sitting for a week in the freezer thaw a portion out in the microwave and then let it cool. You will find that after sitting in the freezer for a week the ingredients take up the flavor of the meat and fish. At this one week point, WookiDog is now happy to lick up every bit of rice from the bowl.

3Kg Dog Mince
500g Frozen Kale
250g Sardines (In spring water)
3 Cups of white rice (Cook, one full rice cooker)
4 Large Carrots

Special Note: Our Malshi dog absolutely hates the smell of kidneys and liver. We have purchased Dog mince from a butcher before that Wookie refused to eat, it was a mix of meat, kidney, fat, and liver. If you are buying a new dog mince for the first time consider checking the ingredients or maybe just purchase a small quantity to try.


 Ingredient information:

3kg Total Dog mince 10% Protein, 6% Crude fat and 0.25% Calcium – Added Thiamine or Vitamin B1 for brain and muscle health. Added Taurine an amino aid for heart health.

 500g Kale (Frozen) Provides Calcium, Fibre and Vitamins A, C & E – Immune booster, slows digestion, aids in bone development, promotes eye and skin health. 

 3 Cups White rice Cooked white rice is easily digested and helps bind the dogs stools – Don’t overfeed white rice, some dogs can develop diabetes).

 4 Large Carrots Loaded with fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K and Beta Carotene – Promotes eyesight, liver, kidney, lung, heart and digestive health) 

 250g Sardines (In spring water Loaded with omega 3, Vitamin D and B12 – Promotes muscle health, prevents kidney disease and keeps your dogs fur nice and soft.


I hope you found this recipe helpful, it can be hard feeding fussy eaters, and having this pre-made meal in the freezer is always handy.

Easy homemade Dog food recipe for a fussy eater Maltese Shih Tzu Wookidog

Homemade Chicken and rice for Dogs that are fussy eaters.

This chicken dog food recipe will be easy on your dog’s digestion due to the addition of rice, carrot, and pumpkin. The ingredients of this homemade dog food will help bulk up the dog’s stools, boost their immune system, help with coat and skin health. The step of folding raw eggs into the rice makes it more appetizing for a dog that’s a fussy eater and adds extra protein. Eggs contain many essential amino acids, fatty acids and along with the pumpkin, it can also work to help calm an upset stomach. And the best part is that your dog will love eating this healthy homemade dog food.


Easy Chicken Dog food recipe for a fussy eater Maltese Shih Tzu Wookidog


Dog Food Ingredients
1 Large Oven-baked chicken 5 lbs (2.3kg)
2 Cups white rice
1/4 Small-sized Pumpkin 2 lbs (900g)
4 Medium Carrots
2 Cups Frozen Spinach
4 Eggs
17 Resealable Freezer bags

Cooking Instructions for Dog Food
STEP 1. Place the chicken in an oven-safe baking tray and cook at 350°f. Cook the chicken for 1 hour and fifty minutes if it’s at the recipes listed 5lbs weight. Otherwise cooking each pound (500g) of chicken for 20 minutes is a good rule to follow.
STEP 2. Grate the four carrots, discarding the tops, and then add the grated carrot into a bowl. The carrot needs to be grated, coarsely chopped carrot won’t mix well with the other ingredients and will be hard for your dog to digest.
STEP 3. The frozen chopped Spinach can be removed from its packaging and defrosted. Leaving it out on the countertop while the chicken’s cooking could be enough to defrost it in summer.
STEP 4. Crack four eggs into a bowl and discard the shells. Whisk up the eggs to combine egg white and yolk.
STEP 5. Skin the pumpkin and chop into small chunks. Cook the pumpkin in boiling water for 15 minutes or until a fork can be easily inserted into the flesh. Overcooking the pumpkin is okay. I’d say no to using canned pumpkin unless it has no additives and is 100% pumpkin.
STEP 6. Before the chicken is fully cooked you can prepare the rice. Add two measuring cups of white rice into a rice cooker and then add four cups of cold water. We use Jasmine rice, it seems to be less starchy and doesn’t stick together like other rice varieties. Starting the cooking process for the rice 20 minutes before the chicken is fully cooked. Or you can just wait for the chicken to be finished before cooking, your choice.
STEP 7. While the rice is still extremely hot, pour in the egg and thoroughly mix it into the rice. The raw egg coats the rice grains and then is cooked by the heat of the rice.
STEP 8. Shred up the chicken in the baking tray. Take your time, don’t leave in any bones, and be sure to shred the chicken meat into small strands. This will help distribute chicken evenly throughout the dog food, and your dog won’t be tempted to pick at the food.
STEP 9. Remove the chicken carcass from the baking tray and then mix the shredded chicken in the fatty liquid at the base of the tray.
STEP 10. Add half of all the dog food ingredients into a large bowl and mix thoroughly. If you don’t have a large enough bowl then try just a quarter.
STEP 11. Using a measuring cup scoop out the dog food into the freezer bags and seal. Our dog is small to medium-sized and 1 Cup of this dog food is enough for one meal.

My Maltese Shih Tzu loves eating Chicken but unfortunately, after a few meals of just straight chicken, she’ll end up with an upset stomach. So I made this Dog Food recipe so she can enjoy eating Chicken more often. The added bonus is that this dog food keeps her feeling full all day if fed in the morning. If she is fed just raw meat in the morning she will spend the day begging for more food or treats. But since feeding this homemade dog food she is happy all day and quite often she will forget when it’s time for dinner which is a total shock, WookiDog is such a greedy guts.

WookiDog is fed this meal just once a day at the most, it’s kept in the freezer and we can alternate feeding this Chicken recipe with other homemade recipes. Wookie is also fed a meal of raw red meat for dinner with some dry food before bed. Dogs will find this homemade dog food more appealing once it’s been in the freezer for a week or two and all the flavors have combined.

Give this Healthy Homemade Dog Food Recipe a go, your dog will love it.

A Treat meal for our Malshi Dog

I decided to spoil WookiDog a bit today and gave her a special meal full of superfood ingredients. What will she like, will she eat it?

Homemade Dog food treat for a fussy eater Maltese Shih Tzu Wookidog

Blueberries are a great treat for dogs, be sure to wash them, cut them up so they aren’t a potential choking hazard, and don’t overfeed as they do contain sugar. I really should have chopped them up. Also, wash them to remove any potential pesticides that might have been sprayed on them.

Cheese, WookiDog loves cheese it’s a real treat for her. I grated cheese from a block because pre-packaged shredded cheese contains anti-caking agents which can contain heavy metals and all sorts of chemicals. Cheese is a treat and shouldn’t be fed too often or in large quantities, the high fat content can lead to pancreatitis in dogs.

Nutritional Yeast has a cheesy taste and is protein-rich and contains natural B12. I fed Wookie one teaspoon over her meal. Check the ingredients list when buying Nutritional Yeast, it shouldn’t contain added B12 as a second ingredient, just yeast.

Scrambled Eggs, this is one way that Wookie will happily eat eggs. She will sometimes eat fried eggs but will normally refuse them. If you like the idea of feeding your dog eggs often then consider organic eggs or maybe some from a local farmer.

There are so many ways you can mix up a Dogs meal routine to keep it interesting, this was just a treat and not our daily feeding. Wookie will normally get a mix of dry dog food, minced meat, homemade dog food, chicken, and fish throughout the week. WookiDog is a fussy eater and has never taken to eating canned dog food.

Best Dog Birthday Cake Recipe that is easy to make

I can’t believe that Wookie Dog is already six years old!
How to Make a Dog Birthday Cake Recipe: Wookidogs Dog Food Recipe
Making this really simple Birthday Cake recipe for Dogs is easy. Made with chicken, pumpkin, and some cheese. You can tell that the birthday cake is cooked when it shrinks and separates from the side of the cake tin. You could also make small bite-sized round pieces instead of a birthday cake. WookiDog actually liked the cheesy pumpkin and ate it all off the top of the chicken cake. This is an easy and possibly the best Dog Birthday Cake recipe. Try it for yourself.

Hills T/D Dental Care Dog Food

This is the first time our Malshi Dog has tried the Hills T/D Dental care dog food. As you can see our Malshi Dog really got stuck into it and ate every piece she was given. A few months on and well she has slowed down, her interest in the Hills product has definitely changed. We are still feeding the product, at night, just before bedtime. Some nights she eats it and other nights she will leave it in her bowl. Our Malshi has always had a love-hate relationship with dry dog food, she will always leave it until she is extremely hungry. I think most of the time she only then eats the dry kibble to show us that she really wants food. To be fair, the product is unique and would seem to perform as described. Our Malshi does have to take her time chewing up each piece. If any product is actually going to help clean the dog’s teeth as its eaten I’d say it is the Hills T/D Dental Care Dog Food.
Hills T/D Dental Care Dog Food, Wookidog 4K Dog Food Video

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